Engineering design is an engineering developement process that starts with caracterization of a costumers need.
The firm's engineers accompany the costumer through the product's defining phases and assist with every issue in order to best caharacterize demands.
The developement procees includes :
1. first discussion with the costumer
2.A meeting in order to suggest different alternatives for the solution
3.Design meeting (if necessary)
4.Final content showcasing and drawings making for production
5.Production accompany
6.הכנת תיק מוצר
7.Technical writing procees accompaning
8.product assembly - proto-type
9.Product testings
10.Moving the drawings to serial production
We accompany our costumers all throughout the developement proccess.
We believe that a combination of creative solutions with high engineering abillities can provide the costumer with a high quality product acostumed to his demands.
Our costumers enjoy from a wide range of options when prospecting possible product fees, as we provide with the possibility of manufacturing in the east or in western countries , and even locating new and unique suppliers for certain projects.
All of this can be accomplidhed only due to our many evolving connections with several western countries , and the China based office .
In Meshi -Tech We think of every costumer as a special one, and emphasize every detail in order to give the best most productive solutions.